Interface NativeJavaJobParameterContext

  • public interface NativeJavaJobParameterContext
    Context used to get/set the in and out values for parameters for the Native Java Job. Note: Non-parameter variables can be retrieved by getInValue(String), but not use setOutValue(String, Object).
    • Method Detail

      • getInValue

        <T> T getInValue​(String name)
        Retrieve value for given name. If the name is not known will throw a RuntimeException.
        name - The name
        Value for given name, can be null.
      • setOutValue

        <T> void setOutValue​(String name,
                             T value)
        Sets given "out" value. Can be set for parameters with InOut/Out direction only. For other non-parameter variables throws a UnsupportedOperationException when used. Throws a RuntimeException if name is not known.
        name - The parameter name
        value - The value to set, can be null.