Class BapiException

    • Constructor Detail

      • BapiException

        public BapiException​(String functionName,
                             BapiReturn newBapiReturn,
                             String[] importParams,
                             Throwable cause)
        functionName - Name of the function module that caused this BAPI exception
        newBapiReturn - List of message from SAP table
        importParams - array of import parameters of the function module call. Never null.
        cause - the root cause of this exception
      • BapiException

        public BapiException​(String functionName,
                             BapiReturn newBapiReturn,
                             String[] importParams)
        functionName - Name of the function module that caused this BAPI exception
        newBapiReturn - List of message from SAP table
        importParams - array of import parameters of the function module call. Never null.
    • Method Detail

      • getFunctionModuleName

        public String getFunctionModuleName()
        Get the function module name
        name of the function module
      • getId

        public String getId()
      • getNumber

        public String getNumber()
      • getText

        public String getText()
      • getType

        public String getType()
      • getParameters

        public String[] getParameters()
        Get import parameters of the function module
        array with the import parameters of the function module
      • getV1

        public String getV1()
        Get V1
        value of the first variable in first message
      • getV2

        public String getV2()
        Get V2
        value of the second variable in first message
      • getV3

        public String getV3()
        Get V3
        value of the third variable in first message
      • getV4

        public String getV4()
        Get V4
        value of the fourth variable in first message
      • getField

        public String getField()
      • getRow

        public int getRow()
      • getSystem

        public String getSystem()
      • getVariables

        public String[] getVariables()
        Get message variables as array
        array with message variables in first message
      • getKey

        public String getKey()
      • getBapiReturn

        public BapiReturn getBapiReturn()