Class RfcDetachedFactory

  • public class RfcDetachedFactory
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • RfcDetachedFactory

        public RfcDetachedFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • createStructure

        public <T extends RfcStructure> T createStructure​(Class<T> rfcStructure)
        Creates new detached instance of any 'T extends RfcStructure'
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of the interface
        rfcStructure - the interface of the type 'T extends RfcStructure' should be created
        detached instance of 'T extends RfcStructure'
      • createFunctionModule

        public <T extends RfcFunctionModule> T createFunctionModule​(Class<T> rfcFunctionModule)
        Creates new detached instance of any 'T extends RfcFunctionModule'
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of the interface
        rfcFunctionModule - interface of the type 'T extends RfcFunctionModule' should be created
        detached instance of 'T extends RfcFunctionModule'
      • createTable

        public <T extends RfcStructureRfcTable<T> createTable​(Class<T> rfcStructure)
        Creates new detached instance of any RfcTable 'T extends RfcStructure'
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of the interface
        rfcStructure - the interface of the type 'T extends RfcStructure' representing rows of table should be created
        detached instance of RfcTable 'T extends RfcStructure'