Interface LOVCollection

  • public interface LOVCollection
    A list of values for a field.
    • Method Detail

      • getSize

        int getSize()
        Get the number of elements in the collection.
        the number of elements in the collection
      • getGridTitles

        String[] getGridTitles​(SchedulerSession session)
        Get the grid titles for displaying the list of values.
        session - to be used to translate the titles
        array with the column headers
      • getRow

        String[] getRow​(int n)
        Get the values for the nth row. NOTE: Various pieces of code, most notably the autosuggest, but also some veto-handlers, expect exact matches to be first in the list. A returned string can be a translation key.
        n - is the index of the requested element
        array with column values for the n-th element
      • getValue

        Object getValue​(int n)
        Get the value for the field for the nth row. NOTE: Various pieces of code, most notably the autosuggest, but also some veto-handlers, expect exact matches to be first in the list.
        n - is the index of the requested element
        internal value for the n-th element