Class NoTimeZoneForTimeWindowCalculation

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ExceptionData, Serializable

    public class NoTimeZoneForTimeWindowCalculation
    extends SchedulerAPIException
    No timezone could be found to calculate this TimeWindowElement. This means that the object that includes the TimeWindow should set the TimeZone to use for the calculation of the TimeWindow, or a TimeZone must be set on the TimeWindow or TimeWindowElement.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • NoTimeZoneForTimeWindowCalculation

        protected NoTimeZoneForTimeWindowCalculation​(String newErrorCode,
                                                     String messageFormat,
                                                     Throwable cause,
                                                     Object[] exceptionDataEN,
                                                     Object[] exceptionData)
      • NoTimeZoneForTimeWindowCalculation

        public NoTimeZoneForTimeWindowCalculation​(Throwable cause)
        No timezone could be found to calculate this TimeWindowElement. This means that the object that includes the TimeWindow should set the TimeZone to use for the calculation of the TimeWindow, or a TimeZone must be set on the TimeWindow or TimeWindowElement.
        cause - The originating exception, null if this is the originating exception