Class TimeWindowNullOpeningTimeException

    • Constructor Detail

      • TimeWindowNullOpeningTimeException

        protected TimeWindowNullOpeningTimeException​(String newErrorCode,
                                                     String messageFormat,
                                                     Throwable cause,
                                                     Object[] exceptionDataEN,
                                                     Object[] exceptionData)
      • TimeWindowNullOpeningTimeException

        public TimeWindowNullOpeningTimeException​(Throwable cause)
        Time window {0} cannot be called with a NULL opening time. This is equivalent to calling TimeWindowNullOpeningTimeException(cause, "")
        cause - The originating exception, null if this is the originating exception
      • TimeWindowNullOpeningTimeException

        public TimeWindowNullOpeningTimeException​(Throwable cause,
                                                  String name)
        Time window {0} cannot be called with a NULL opening time.
        cause - The originating exception, null if this is the originating exception
        name - Name of the time window.