Class ChildApplicationObjectIterator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ChildApplicationObjectIterator
    extends com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.collections.IteratorConcatenator<ApplicationObject>
    Small helper class for retrieving all ApplicationObject instances that belong to a particular application.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ChildApplicationObjectIterator

        public ChildApplicationObjectIterator​(Application application,
                                              boolean includeBranchedDefinitions)
        Construct an iterator over the child objects of an application.
        application - the application whose children should be enumerated.
        includeBranchedDefinitions - If true, all children should be enumerated whereas if false then for types that can be branched (BranchedUniqueNamedApplicationObject) only master versions should be included.
    • Method Detail

      • getChildApplicationObjectIterators

        public static Iterator<ApplicationObject>[] getChildApplicationObjectIterators​(Application application,
                                                                                       boolean includeBranchedDefinitions)
        Retrieve an array of iterators for the child objects of an application. Each element in the returned array is an iterator over a different type of ApplicationObject.
        application - the application whose children should be enumerated.
        includeBranchedDefinitions - If true, all children should be enumerated whereas if false then for types that can be branched (BranchedUniqueNamedApplicationObject) only master versions should be included.
        an array of iterators that enumerate the application's children.
      • getApplicationAndDescendents

        public static Iterator<ApplicationObject> getApplicationAndDescendents​(Application application,
                                                                               boolean includeBranchedDefinitions)
        Return an iterator over this application and all descendants in the application hierarchy.
        application - the application whose children should be enumerated.
        includeBranchedDefinitions - If true, all children should be enumerated whereas if false then for types that can be branched (BranchedUniqueNamedApplicationObject) only master versions should be included.
        an iterator over the application and all descendants.