Interface JobEstimates

  • public interface JobEstimates
    • Field Detail


        static final com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.logging.Versions VERSIONS_JE

        static final int ASSUMED_UNKNOWN_RUNTIME
        Assumed job duration when no information is available with which an estimate can be made.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final int ASSUMED_NOTYET_DELTA
        How much an estimate is shifted into the future when a calculated value would otherwise be before the current time.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getEstimatedRunTime

        DurationEstimate getEstimatedRunTime()
        Query how long the job is estimated to run for once it starts. If the job has completed, this will be the actual time it ran for.
        an estimate for how long the job shall run.
      • getEstimatedRunStart

        TimeEstimate getEstimatedRunStart()
        Query when the job is estimated to start running. If the job has started running, this will be the actual time that it started running. If the job has not started running, the estimate will always be in the future.
        an estimate for when the job will start to run.
      • getEstimatedRunEnd

        TimeEstimate getEstimatedRunEnd()
        Query when the job is estimated to finish. If the job has already finished, this will be the actual time that it finished. If the job has not yet finished, the estimate will always be in the future.
        an estimate for when the job will finish.