Enum ActionWorkType

    • Enum Constant Detail

      • OnChangeAction

        public static final ActionWorkType OnChangeAction
        Work for an on-change action.
      • PreRunningAction

        public static final ActionWorkType PreRunningAction
        Work for a pre-running action.
      • PostRunningAction

        public static final ActionWorkType PostRunningAction
        Work for a post-running action.
      • JobDefinitionAlertAction

        public static final ActionWorkType JobDefinitionAlertAction
        Work for a process definition alert action.
      • EscalationAction

        public static final ActionWorkType EscalationAction
        Escalate an alert.
      • ProcessServerAlertAction

        public static final ActionWorkType ProcessServerAlertAction
        Work for a process server alert action.
      • RuntimeExpirationAction

        public static final ActionWorkType RuntimeExpirationAction
        Work for a running action.
      • QueueAlertAction

        public static final ActionWorkType QueueAlertAction
        Work for a queue alert action.
      • ResendAlertAction

        public static final ActionWorkType ResendAlertAction
        Work for an alert failure resend action.
      • AlertEscalationPostAction

        public static final ActionWorkType AlertEscalationPostAction
        Work for an AlertEscalationAction to perform after an alert has been escalated .
      • AlertSourcePostAction

        public static final ActionWorkType AlertSourcePostAction
        Work for an AlertSourceAction to perform after a AlertSourceAlert alert has been performed.
      • OperatorMessageAction

        public static final ActionWorkType OperatorMessageAction
        Work for an operator message
      • MonitorAlertAction

        public static final ActionWorkType MonitorAlertAction
        Work for a monitor alert action.
      • RescheduleJobGroupAction

        public static final ActionWorkType RescheduleJobGroupAction
        Reschedule a recurrence in a separate work action.
      • RestartJobAction

        public static final ActionWorkType RestartJobAction
        Reschedule a recurrence in a separate work action.
      • UserMessageNotificationAction

        public static final ActionWorkType UserMessageNotificationAction
        Work for a user message notification action.
      • VisualizationUpdateAction

        public static final ActionWorkType VisualizationUpdateAction
        Work for a Visualization update action.
      • RunProcessServerCheckAction

        public static final ActionWorkType RunProcessServerCheckAction
        Work that will run ProcessServerCheck and react appropriately to failures.
      • EventComponentCheckAction

        public static final ActionWorkType EventComponentCheckAction
        Work that will run and check for process that was handled by EventComponent and asked to be placed into special HELD state. This will release the process when needed.
      • TimeWindowChangeAction

        public static final ActionWorkType TimeWindowChangeAction
        Update processes and queues that use a changed time window.
      • UpdateFutureJobAction

        public static final ActionWorkType UpdateFutureJobAction
        Update processes after a Process Definition change.
      • ProcessServerRestartAction

        public static final ActionWorkType ProcessServerRestartAction
        Restart a process server with a timeout.
      • CleanUpJobFileAction

        public static final ActionWorkType CleanUpJobFileAction
        Work to clean up files.
      • CredentialTraceAction

        public static final ActionWorkType CredentialTraceAction
        Credential tracing not done in another action
      • FinalizeSleepJobAction

        public static final ActionWorkType FinalizeSleepJobAction
        Finalize Sleep jobs
      • CatalogReferenceAction

        public static final ActionWorkType CatalogReferenceAction
        Update References for catalog components.
    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static ActionWorkType[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (ActionWorkType c : ActionWorkType.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static ActionWorkType valueOf​(String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • getLogFileName

        public String getLogFileName()
      • getLogFileOrder

        public long getLogFileOrder()
      • valueOfCode

        public static ActionWorkType valueOfCode​(String code)
        Helper function to return the ActionWorkType represented by code. code must be a single character. If code is null, longer than one character, empty, or not a valid code then this method will return null.
        code - A string with one character that is one of the codes for ActionWorkType
        The ActionWorkType corresponding to code, or null, if code is null, longer than one character, or not a valid code
      • safeValueOf

        public static ActionWorkType safeValueOf​(String value)
        Helper function to return the ActionWorkType represented by value. If value is null, or not a valid ActionWorkType enumeration then this method will return null.

        The main difference between this method and valueOf(String), is that this method will return null when passed an invalid value, valueOf(String) will throw an IllegalArgumentException.

        value - The string value that corresponds to the requested enumeration value
        The ActionWorkType corresponding to value, or null, if value is null, or not a valid enumeration
        See Also:
      • valueOf

        public static ActionWorkType valueOf​(Character code)
        Helper function to return the ActionWorkType represented by code. If code is null, or not a valid ActionWorkType code then this method will return null.
        code - Character that is one of the codes for HandlerAction
        The ActionWorkType corresponding to code, or null, if code is null, or not a valid code
      • valueOf

        public static ActionWorkType valueOf​(char code)
        Helper function to return the ActionWorkType represented by code. If code is not a valid ActionWorkType code then this method will return null.
        code - char that is one of the codes for HandlerAction
        The ActionWorkType corresponding to code, or null, if code is not a valid code