Third party information disclosure
RunMyJobs version uses the following software, use the drop-down to select your version with patch level to get the exact list for your patch level.
Third party components:
- jackson-datatype-jsr310 2.12.2 from com/fasterxml/jackson/datatype
- jackson-annotations 2.12.2 from com/fasterxml/jackson/core
- guava 30.1.1-jre from com/google/guava
- commons-codec 1.15 from commons-codec
- httpclient 4.5.13 from org/apache/httpcomponents
- jakarta.activation 1.2.2 from com/sun/activation
- sqlserver/mssql-jdbc 9.4.1.jre11 from com/microsoft
- gson 2.8.6 from com/google/code/gson
- jackson-module-jaxb-annotations 2.12.2 from com/fasterxml/jackson/module
- jackson-core 2.12.2 from com/fasterxml/jackson/core
- slf4j-api 1.7.30 from org/slf4j
- xmlbeans 5.0.0 from org/apache/xmlbeans
- snakeyaml 1.27 from org/yaml
- jackson-databind 2.12.2 from com/fasterxml/jackson/core
- jackson-dataformat-xml 2.12.2 from com/fasterxml/jackson/dataformat
- msal4j 1.10.0 from com/microsoft/azure
- kotlin-stdlib 1.4.32 from org/jetbrains/kotlin
- jaxb-impl 2.3.3 from com/sun/xml/bind
- msal4j-persistence-extension 1.1.0 from com/microsoft/azure
- json-smart 2.4.7 from net/minidev
- ant 1.10.11 from org/apache/ant
- fastexcel 0.12.11 from org/dhatim
- jtds/jtds 1.3.1 from net/sourceforge
- content-type 2.1 from com/nimbusds
- jakarta-tomcat 9.0.54 from apache
- jackson-dataformat-yaml 2.12.2 from com/fasterxml/jackson/dataformat
- jsoup 1.14.2 from org/jsoup
- wsdl4j 1_6_3 from sourceforge
- commons-lang 3_5_0 from apache
- oauth2-oidc-sdk 9.4 from com/nimbusds
- bytes 0_7_0 from favre
- postgresql 42.3.1 from org/postgresql
- jakarta.mail 1.6.7 from com/sun/mail
- jt400 10.7 from net/sf/jt400
- microsoft-graph 5.4.0 from com/microsoft/graph
- database/jdbc/ojdbc11 from com/oracle
- opczip 1.2.0 from com/github/rzymek
- nimbus-jose-jwt 9.13 from com/nimbusds
- json-path 2.4.0 from com/jayway/jsonpath
- db2/jcc from com/ibm
- asm 9.0 from org/ow2/asm
- okhttp 4.9.1 from com/squareup/okhttp3
- istack-commons-runtime 3.0.11 from com/sun/istack
- titillium 6_0 from google
- jakarta.xml.bind-api 2.3.3 from jakarta/xml/bind
- okio 2.10.0 from com/squareup/okio
- microsoft-graph-core 2.0.9 from com/microsoft/graph
- accessors-smart 2.4.7 from net/minidev
- bcrypt 0_5_0 from favre
- opensans 2_0 from google
- woodstox-core 6.2.1 from com/fasterxml/woodstox
- unicode 5.0.0 from unicode
- openssl 1.1.1l from openssl
- putty 0.70 from sgtatham
- react-dom 17.0.1 from Facebook
- scheduler 0.16.2 from Facebook
- loose-envify 1.3.1 from Andres Suarez
- js-tokens 3.0.2 from Simon Lydell
- object-assign 4.1.1 from Sindre Sorhus
- @codemirror/lang-xml 0.18.0 from Marijn Haverbeke
- @codemirror/language 0.18.2 from Marijn Haverbeke
- @codemirror/view 0.18.19 from Marijn Haverbeke
- @codemirror/rangeset 0.18.4 from Marijn Haverbeke
- @codemirror/state 0.18.7 from Marijn Haverbeke
- @codemirror/text 0.18.1 from Marijn Haverbeke
- w3c-keyname 2.2.4 from Marijn Haverbeke
- style-mod 4.0.0 from Marijn Haverbeke
- lezer-tree 0.13.2 from Marijn Haverbeke
- lezer 0.13.5 from Marijn Haverbeke
- @codemirror/highlight 0.18.4 from Marijn Haverbeke
- lezer-xml 0.13.4 from Marijn Haverbeke
- @codemirror/autocomplete 0.18.8 from Marijn Haverbeke
- @codemirror/tooltip 0.18.4 from Marijn Haverbeke
- react-ace 9.3.0 from James Hrisho
- diff-match-patch 1.0.5 from Google
- prop-types 15.7.2 from Facebook
- react-is 16.8.6 from Facebook
- ace-builds 1.4.13 from
- lodash.get 4.4.2 from John-David Dalton
- lodash.isequal 4.5.0 from John-David Dalton
- xlsx 0.17.0 from sheetjs
- wmf 1.0.2 from sheetjs
- commander 2.20.1 from TJ Holowaychuk
- exit-on-epipe 1.0.1 from sheetjs
- adler-32 1.2.0 from sheetjs
- printj 1.1.2 from sheetjs
- ssf 0.11.2 from sheetjs
- frac 1.1.2 from SheetJS
- fflate 0.3.11 from Arjun Barrett
- crc-32 1.2.0 from sheetjs
- codepage 1.14.0 from SheetJS
- word 0.3.0 from sheetjs
- cfb 1.2.0 from sheetjs
- powerbi-report-component 2.4.2 from Akshay Ram Vignesh A
- powerbi-client 2.10.2 from Microsoft
- http-post-message 0.2.3 from Microsoft Power BI
- es6-promise 3.3.1 from Yehuda Katz, Tom Dale, Stefan Penner and contributors
- powerbi-router 0.1.5 from Microsoft Power BI Team
- route-recognizer 0.1.11 from Yehuda Katz
- window-post-message-proxy 0.2.5 from Microsoft Power BI
- powerbi-models 1.3.0 from Microsoft PowerBI Team
- chart.js 2.9.4 from Chart.js Contributors
- chartjs-color 2.3.0 from Heather Arthur
- color-convert 1.9.3 from Heather Arthur
- color-name 1.1.3 from DY
- chartjs-color-string 0.6.0 from Heather Arthur
- moment 2.24.0 from Iskren Ivov Chernev
- react 17.0.1 from Facebook
- mobx 5.15.7 from Michel Weststrate
- @codemirror/lang-java 0.18.0 from Marijn Haverbeke
- lezer-java 0.13.2 from Marijn Haverbeke
- typescript-logging 1.0.0 from Martijn Reuvers
- stacktrace-js 1.3.1 from Eric Wendelin
- stacktrace-gps 2.4.4 from Eric Wendelin
- stackframe 0.3.1 from Eric Wendelin
- source-map 0.5.6 from Nick Fitzgerald
- error-stack-parser 1.3.6 from Eric Wendelin
- stack-generator 1.1.0 from Eric Wendelin
- @codemirror/legacy-modes 0.18.1 from Marijn Haverbeke
- @codemirror/stream-parser 0.18.2 from Marijn Haverbeke
- canvas-datagrid 0.24.4 from Tony Germaneri
- is-printable-key-event 1.0.0 from Jona Andersen
- ckeditor4 4.17.1 from CKSource
- mobx-react-lite 2.2.2 from Daniel K.
- mobx-react 6.3.1 from Michel Weststrate
- mobx-utils 5.6.1 from Michel Weststrate