Credential Protocols
Credential protocols are used to store connection information for remote systems, such as Windows process servers. The following built-in credentials are available:
Protocol | Description |
login | The Credential protocol for generic logins. |
SAP_RFC | The Credential protocol for SAP R/3 scripting. |
PeopleSoft | The Credential protocol for the PeopleSoft connector. |
oracle | The Credential protocol used to connect to the database for SQLPLUS jobs. |
JDBC | The Credential protocol used to connect to the database for JDBC, Oracle EBS, and Oracle jobs. |
soap | The Credential protocol for the SOAP connector. |
passphrase | The Credential protocol used to store (SSH) passphrases. |
putty | The Credential protocol to store Putty private keys |
SSH | The name of the credential protocol to store SSH private keys |
HTTP | The Credential protocol for connections to HTTP(S) servers. |
X509_TrustedCertificate | Used to provide a verifiable identity to a remote server whilst establishing a secure HTTPS connection from the Redwood Server. |
X509_ClientCertificate | Used to verify the identity of a remote server whilst establishing a secure HTTPS connection from the Redwood Server. |
You must select the correct protocol for your credential, if you choose login and you want to connect to an Oracle database, the credential will not be taken into account.
If you require a specific protocol for your application or platform, protocols can be created/modified for you on a consultancy-basis. Contact your account manager for more information on custom protocols.
Credential protocols support the following context-menu actions:
Action | Description |
Edit Security | Edit the security of the credential protocol |
Delete | Delete the credential protocol |
Edit | Edit the credential protocol |
Show permalinks | Show links that can be used from third party applications to link to the object |
Add to navigation bar | Add the current object to the navigation bar |
New credential protocol | Create a new credential protocol |
Filter > New Filter | Create a new credential protocol filter |
Filter > Edit Filter | Edit current credential protocol filter |
Filter > Delete | Delete current credential protocol filter |
Filter > Duplicate Filter | Create a copy of the filter |
Filter > Export Filter | Export the filter into a CAR file |
Filter > Add to navigation bar | Add the filter to a navigation bar |
Filter > Create filter from search | Create a filter from the current IntelliSearch query |
Finding Credential Protocols
You can search for credential protocols using filters and the Search Credential Protocols box on the Credential Protocols tab. This box is known as the IntelliSearch box and located under your username on the top right-hand side of the user interface. Filters allow you to specify a list of objects with static criteria. IntelliSearch allows you to specify complex queries in a simple way using prefixes. Prefixes are used to specify which property you are searching in and have short as well as long syntaxes. For example, if you want to display all credential protocols with the term dev in the comment, you would use the search criteria as follows:
You can search more than one property, as follows:
c:dev n:Ora
No spaces should be entered before or after the colon (:).
The following table illustrates the available prefixes for credential protocols:
Prefixes | Description |
n, name | searches the name property |
c, comment | searches the documentation property |
d, description | searches the description property |
a, application | searches the application property |
Deleting Credential Protocols
You can only delete credential protocols when no other objects relate to them. For example, if there are credentials that use the credential protocol, the credential protocol cannot be deleted until all credentials that use it have been modified. You can see all credentials that relate to the credential protocol in Related Objects in the lower detail pane and on the show page.
The table in related objects contains three columns:
- Type - the type of object with a link to it
- Related Object - the name of the object with a link to it
- Used As - objects can sometimes be used in different roles
Privilege | Description |
CredentialProtocol.Create | Create credential protocols |
CredentialProtocol.Delete | Delete credential protocols |
CredentialProtocol.Edit | Edit credential protocols |
CredentialProtocol.View | Access credential protocols |
You specify which users can access, edit, and delete the credentials on the Security tab of the credentials or credential protocols.